Sunday, October 5, 2014

What does it take to wipe out your hard drive?

Check out a pretty cool video about the effects of magnets on your hard drive.

Post a comment here on the blog (after watching the video).  Your comment should focus on something you learnt from the video.

Comment will be graded as homework out of 10 points.

Deadline:  October 12, 2014

To see the video, click on the link below:


  1. Replies
    1. Comment should state something you learnt :-)

    2. In this video I learn how that the hard drives are coated with magnet and that allows for when a magnet with a higher magnet force comes near this device can wipe-out all your life's work. In this experiment they used a very large magnet I which they will used to pick up vehicles. It was surprising that the larger magnet was only twice the magnet energy of the other magnet. I also learn the instrument that is used to detect magnetic forces

  2. ---Hard drives store information magnetically.

    ---I had heard that if you leave a magnet beside or near a computer, phone, tablet, etc. that it would mess it up so I never leave a magnet near any electronic device. Noe i know that a small magnet does not do anything to a computer and to do something to it you need one of those magnets used to lift a car.

  3. - I learned that hard drives store data magnetically and that they store it on a magnetic tape that has patterns that the computer reads. This is then shown in many forms like text. It would take a very strong electro magnet to erase it. This occurs because the particles scatter leaving it clean.

  4. Well I did know that magnets have something to do with hard drives, but now I know that they use it to actually store the information and that really, really, really strong magnets can cause some serious damage to them. Thanks! Now I know never to go anywhere close to a junkyard with my PC.

  5. After watching this video I learned that hard drives store data magnetically and that they store it on a magnetic tape that has patterns that the computer reads. Very strong magnets can erase all info on you hard drive . This occurs because the particles scatter leaving the hard drive wiped. I now know to never leave magnets around my electronics if I want to keep my data.

  6. I learnt that after watching this video, that there is a theory that if you leave your laptop near a giant electromagnet it will erase all data on your hard drive. This is so because hard drive stores info. on magnetic tapes, and the tape/disc is coated in a magnetically sensitive material. Therefore if it is near an electromagnet, it will scramble everything on the disc, erasing all data from your hard drive.

  7. This video showed me precisely how magnets can wipe your computer clean of all data. The magnets interact with the electromagnetic surface of the hard drive which is what scrambles the entire memory. Although, the most important thing in my opinion would be that the laptop's hard drive could only be ruined by giant electromagnets(well at least for the laptop used).

  8. It takes a pretty strong magnet to do so. Although this will probably not happen, it is interesting to know.

  9. After watching the video I learnt that hard drives store data magnetically and only very strong magnets, can wipe your hard-drive. This occurs because it scatter the particles leaving the hard-drive to be wipe or cleaned.

  10. I learnt that data is stored on a magnetic hard disk. Also, I thought that the least powerful magnet could damage your hard disk but surprisingly, it takes a massive industrial sized magnet to completely scatter all the particles which erases all programs and files on it, thus "killing it". I can comfortably say now, that my hard disk will never be erased by any magnet in my home.

  11. After watching this video, I learnt that hard drives store data magnetically. At first, I thought that since data was stored this way, almost any magnet would be able to delete or scramble the data stored on the hard drive. However, it seems that it would require a very strong and powerful magnet (such as an industrial magnet) to do so.
    -Rhiki Alegria | Class 3A

  12. I learnt hard drives store data magnetically since the disc is coated with a magnetically sensitive material. This data is capable of being scrambled not by small elliptical magnets, or a magnet whose force is three times stronger, but it takes a massive electromagnet (ones used in auto-repair shops to lift cars) to have an effect on a laptop's hard drive.

  13. I learnt that data stored on hard drives are done so magnetically in a coated magnetic sensitive material, and it takes the magnetic force of around 225 milliTeslas (mT), such as those found on industrialised magnets, to rearrange the data on hard drive to the point where it is considered dead in the sense that the system cannot recognize it.

  14. after watching the video i learnt that magnets can affect your computer or data storing device, i had prior knowledge about this, but not as much, now i know very well more what can happen to your electronic device, the video was interesting and a very educational video

  15. I learned that hard drives store data magnetically and that they store it on a magnetic tape that has patterns that the computer reads. This is then shown in many forms like text. It would take a very strong electro magnet to erase it.

  16. I watch this and learn that hard drives store data magnetically and that they store it on a magnetic tape that has patterns magnet would be able to delete or scramble the data stored on the hard drive.this would require a very strong magnet such as an industrial magnet to do this task.

    Jaywin Pandy 3D

  17. I learnt that Hard Drive can store data magnetically and that they are stored on magnet tapes. So you should not leave computers near magnets because your data can be deleted. Hard drive have pattern that magnets can easily delete them or scramble the data. For this to happen you need a very strong magnet to do so.
    Walter Pintor- 3C

  18. After watching the video I learnt that data is stored in a hard drive magnetically in a magnetic tape that has a series of patterns which are able to manipulate data in a hard drive.I also learnt that it takes an electromagnet to have an effect on to the hard drive and not just any ordinary magnet.
    -Nestor Leonardo

  19. What I have learned from watching this video, is hard drives store data magnetically but in the video , it shows that only a strong powerful magnet has the capability to wipe out the memory from a computer.

  20. i learn't that the hard drive stores data magnetically and that magnets are capable of erasing all data on a laptop however i didn't expect a huge magnet like that would be needed to erase the data so quickly.
    Samuel Barton-3C

  21. After watching the video I learn that the magnets can change the direction of the data stored on the hard drive and the data is stored magnetically and is affected by the force of the magnet because it changes the force of the magnet in the hard drive and also it wipes out all the information on the hard drive. I now know not to leave a magnet near a computer because it can corrupt the data on the hard drive.

  22. when i finished watching this video i learn't that hard drive stores data magnetically. So i thought that any magnet would delete or scramble the data stored on the computer's hard drive. However, the video shows that it would take a huge magnet to delete or scramble the data stored on the computer's hard drive.
    Enrique Martinez 3-D

  23. i learned how a hard drive disk looks under a electro microscope which was pretty awesome. i did not how strong and useful magnets can be. i also had prior knowledge as i tried it before. a interesting video.

  24. I learnt that Hard Drive can store data magnetically and that they are stored on magnet tapes. I also learnt that magnets can erase data on a laptop ����

  25. After watching the video, I learned that hard drives store data magnetically and that this is stored on a computer-readable, magnetic tape with multiple patterns. Also that a very strong magnet can erase all data of your hard drive by scattering and scrambling it but a smaller one can't. I now know valuable information about hard drives as they relate to magnets...

    Antoine Flowers
    Class 3A.

  26. I learnt that magnets can completely wipe a computers memory because data is stored magnetically inside the hard drive.

  27. I have learnt that hard drives store data magnetically and that is stored on a magnetic tape that has patterns the computer is able to read. If you leave alaptop near a giant electromagnet it will erase all data on the hard drive.

  28. I learnt take data is stored magnetically or on magnetic tape which is why a weak magnet does not harm your device but only a extremely strong magnet can harm your device.

  29. i learned the it takes a strong electro magnet in order to completely wipe the data of a hard drive

  30. aAfter watching and listening carefully to this really interesting video, I learned and concluded that laptop computers are composed of magnetically manufactured hard drives. A stronger magnet can completely wipe all the data off of it.

  31. I have learnt that hard drives store data magnetically and that it is stores on a magnetic tape that has patterns the computer is able to read. Magnets are capable of wiping all data on a hard drive.

  32. i knew the basics stuff already, but i didnt know that it takes a very strong magnet to do so

  33. After watching the video, I learnt that magnets can indeed wipe the memory off a hard drive, but only a large magnet can do this.

  34. The hard drive works under magnetic patterns within the disc and that is how the drive reads its information. The giant electromagnet removed these patterns within the disc of the hard drive, which cause the hard drive to be wiped out completely.

  35. I learnt that hard drive store data magnetically and it is store on a magnetic tape with patterns the computer can read. Magnets are fun to play with but a large magnet can wipe or scramble everything on a hard drive

  36. After watching this video it reveals to me the reason why when a hard drive is being placed beside an electro magnet it erases all data. The hard drive works with magnetic patterns and when a huge magnet or large one it attracts it and ends up erasing it

  37. after i watch this video i learnt that the computer hard drive house data magnetcally and keeps a pattern the computer could read also a powerful magnet could wipe a hard drive clean of all its stored data


  38. i learnt that a magnet can wipe out all your data from a laptop but it has to be a large and powerful one to do so.

  39. I learnt that hard drives store data magnetically and magnets can also destroy the data used on a hard drive, but not any magnet can destroy data, it must be a very powerful electromagnet, this can completely wipe your hard drive if it comes in contact with your laptop.

  40. A simple magnet can do alot to a computer
    I foujd the clip informative

  41. I learnt that data is stored on a hard drive magnetically. Also that ot takes a large electromagnetic to completely wipe out a hard drive.
    Colem Burgess 3C

  42. i learned the hard drives store data magnetically and that common magnets can't do anything to harm the data on a laptop but very powerful ones can
    and that if a hard drive is wiped all the data is gone forever

  43. I learnt that hard drives store data magnetically and that small magnets can't harm the data but a large magnet such as the one that are used to lift cars up can harm the hard drive.

  44. Well I learned that hard drives are affected by magnets due to the reason that they save the information magnetically and that this guy would would go to extremes to wipe out his hard drive. Wouldn't have been cheaper to just replace the hard drive?? Or buy a new computer??

  45. I learnt that hard drive are affected by magnet because data is stored magnetically on your hard drive .Once a strong magnetic force come too close to the hard drive it can permanently delete all programs that was on your hard drive .

  46. i learnt that hard drive can be affected my magnets but luckily only by very powerful ones but for safety sakes prevent keeping a hard drive near a magnet.

  47. I learnt that hard drive are affected by magnet because strong magnetic force can delete program

  48. The video was very interesting and I learnt that a very strong electro magnet can complete erase the data off a hard drive

  49. I learnt that a hard drive are affected by magnet because data is stored magnetically on your hard drive....

  50. After viewing this video, I learnt that hard drives store data magnetically. I also learned that a single magnet can effect the whole hard drive. It seems that it would require a very strong and powerful magnet for example an industrial magnet to do so.

  51. In conclusion after watching this informative video, I learnt that magnets are fun but can also destroy data of a hard drive. Magnets must be large and powerful enough in order for the loss of data to occur!

  52. learning this video help me to understand that data is is deleted by powerful magnets and affects the hard drive

  53. watching the video showed me that a hard drive can be wiped clean if a powerful enough magnet is placed near it.
